Wandering Lizard

An online magazine with information related to attractions, lodging, dining,
and travel resources in selected areas of the Western United States

A Trip to Russia - Sergiyev Posad - Spring

Following Godunov's death in 1605, a long period of instability afflicted Russia. Known as the Time of Troubles it saw internal rebellion, external agitation and invasion, and an attempt by the Roman Catholic Church to influence the Russian Orthodox Church. At one point the Polish King decided to take the Russian throne, imprison Patriarch Hermogenes, and convert Russia to Catholicism.

Sergiyev Posad
Sergiyev Posad
Sergiyev Posad
Sergiyev Posad

Eventually Russian resistance coalesced around Kuzma Minin and Prince Pozharsky. The foreign armies were driven out of the country, Mikhail Romanov was elected Czar, and his father, Fyodor Romanov was made Patriarch Filaret of Moscow and All of Russia. Father and son were co-rulers in temporal affairs and Filaret did much to strengthen the Russian church until his death in 1633.