Scenic Drives
in the Western United States

The Scenic Drive Theme is new to Wandering Lizard. It is being added at the request of some of our readers. Please understand first and foremost that we are not trying to replace the use of an accurate up-to--date road map. Our hope is that the information provided will prove a useful source of ideas in planning trips to new destinations in the Western United States. In using these itineraries it is important to remember that conditions alter over time. Road conditions change, restaurants change chefs, lodging facilities change managers, stores change merchandise, theaters change personnel, and prices almost always go up. Inevitably too the recommendations included here reflect, to some extent at least, my own interests, tastes, and view of the world around us. We welcome your feedback about these things and about how we might make this section more useful to our readers.
A trip to Dry Tortugas National Park
The most isolated national park in the system.
A Trip from San Francisco to Key West and Back Again
A very long drive for those that love driving
A Scenic Drive to Glacier National Park
A very long drive, beautiful scenery and some spectacular wildlife.
Scenic Drives from a base in Sedona, Arizona
A series of short trips out of a fascinating location with plenty of Western lore.
A Trip through the Olympic Peninsula
Some magnificent scenery, a few interesting towns, and a lot of
A Trip through some Western Parks
An itinerary for a quick trip through some magnificent country especially
selected for a visitor with limited mobility.
Southeastern Arizona
An itinerary that includes sites related to Native American, Spanish, and early Anglo-European presence as well as a bit of hiking, some spelunking, and some excellent shopping opportunities.
Northern California Coast
An itinerary that includes giant redwoods, Native Americans, Russian fur trappers, nineteenth century pioneers, earthquakes, lighthouses, shopping, hiking and miles and miles of beautiful coastal scenery.
Southern Utah and Northern Arizona
An itinerary that includes Ancestral Puebloan ruins, Mormon pioneer sites,
and miles and miles of some of the most spectacular red rock scenery in the world.
Southwestern Oregon - Curry County
An itinerary that includes spectacular coastal scenery, miles and miles of empty beaches,
two wild rivers, three wilderness areas, and some of the best salmon fishing in the entire country.